Good Governance
Working with Iraqi and international stakeholders, IPG focuses on economic diversification, public sector reform, and sustainable governance.

Security Sector
IPG aims to address pressing and long-standing SSR challenges by focusing on actionable policy analysis. IPG works across the Iraqi political spectrum.

Public Sector
More than 700,000 graduates need jobs every year. IPG is committed to enabling economic diversification and youth empowerment to reduce dependency on the state.

The Youth
Iraq's youth are the cornerstone of the country's future. IPG harnesses and empowers young professionals, talented graduates and the next generation of leaders.


Middle East Institute
IPG partnered with the Middle East Institute to examine economic reforms in Iraq, including a focus on the progress of the economic reforms agendas in Erbil and Baghdad, economic diversification policies and strategies, and regional Net Zero strategies.

United States Institute of Peace
IPG partnered with the United States Institute of Peace at the Middle East Peace and Security Forum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to convene a workshop on justice and accountability in Iraq. The workshop examined transitional justice, the future of the disputed territories, the internally displaced and the security environment.

Al Nahrain University
Together with Al Nahrain University in Baghdad, IPG organised a roundtable with students and graduates to discuss youth perspectives toward the reform process. The roundtable was chaired by Dr. Salam Jabar and opening remarks were provided by Ahmed Tabaqchali.

American University of Kurdistan
More than 70 participants from across the region, Europe and the United States took part in a IPG workshop on good governance at the American University of Kurdistan. Workshop partners and supporters included Oxford University, King's College London, the European Union and the United Nations.

Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Iraq Policy Group, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Al Nahrain University initiated a workshop in Beirut on public administration, good governance, decentralization, economic development and security sector reform.

Iraq Petroleum Conference
IPG organised a high-level panel in collaboration with Iraq Petroleum Conference. Focusing on Iraq's reform process, the discussion looked at Iraq's socio-economic challenges, the new government's reform process and policy recommendations focused on economic diversification and youth empowerment.